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Season 3   Episode 4


Arthroscopic KneeRepair

In this episode we will discuss Arthroscopic Knee Repair with Becky.  Becky has had numerous repairs due to an auto-immune disease that has affected her connective tissues.

Becky grew up in Norridge, Il. She works with Special Needs youth and adults in a park district setting. Her favorite part of her job is coaching for Special Olympics in Track and field, bowling, golf skills, bocce, floor hockey skills,  and snowshoeing. 

Becky has an auto immune disease that has caused connective tissues injuries.

She knits scarves and hats on a loom and loves the color yellow. If the color psychology chart is correct they have her spot on!  Yellow= Enthusiasm, Happiness, positivity, sports, energize, affect mood & awake awareness. Her newest project is making a loom knitted blanket.

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